Grace started walking on Halloween! She had been practicing with a few steps at a time and had graduated to walking around the house while pushing chairs, walker toys, etc. We all love to watch her toddle from here to there and cheer her on enthusiastically. Sometimes though, when Grace is really on a mission, she puts her head down and speed crawls! :)
Grace loves music and will clap her hands and dance. "If You Are Happy and You Know It" is on of her favorite songs. She smiles and claps her hands.
Reading books is another favorite pastime. Grace will sit on the floor for some time just looking through her books. She also likes to be read to and will giggle all through the story.
Grace is able to climb up onto the bathroom stool and can just see herself in the mirror which also makes her giggle and point to herself. She is also climbing up into chairs. She is quite the little monkey. She also likes climbing into things like the doll basket, boxes, etc.
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