Mom-Mom and Pop-Pop came for a visit Thursday through Saturday. We had such a delightful time. The weather was so pretty Thursday afternoon so we sat outside and watched the children ride their bikes on the driveway, swing on the swing set, and climb a few trees.
Patrick's Dad came over and chili with us for supper and then took the older two children as well as my father for a motorcycle ride. It was the first time in my father's 68 years that he has ever ridden a motorcycle--Yay, Dad!
Friday brought cooler and wetter weather, but it did not deter us from our fun. We went to the Riverbanks Zoo where we walked a beautiful trail along the river, saw the Botanical Gardens, and enjoyed the zoo animals. The reptile house was a big hit for everyone. I was amazed by the furry anaconda poop (what does that say about me?). We also got tickled watching the lion cubs play and the gorilla picking at his toes.
The kids loved playing with Pop-Pop and giving lots of cuddles to both Pop-Pop and Mom-Mom. Grace charmed her grandparents with her smiles and coos. I loved watching Grace lay in her grandmother's arms, looking up into her face, and "talking" so sweetly to her. It was precious.
Our visit was short but very sweet. I am so glad for the special time we enjoyed together.